Used Curriculum Sale

Used Curriculum Sale


03/27/2020/ Friday    
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


POP Louisville
3016 Preston Highway, Louisville, KY, 40217

Event Type

Do you have kid’s books, games, educational items, or curricula that you no longer need? Would you like to get some money for these items? Would you like to buy gently used books, games, educational items, etc.? Then, make plans to attend the Used Curriculum sale at POP on Friday, March 27th.

– This is a sale, not a swap. Please price your items fairly and bring cash if you intend to buy.
– Items that are appropriate for the sale include: books, games, educational toys, art materials, and the like.
– Items that are not appropriate for the sale include: items not appropriate for kids, furniture, clothing, new multi-level marketing items sold at full-price.
– Please sell only usable items- if something is missing a key part or section, please do not sell it. If it is missing a part, but still usable, clearly note on the item what is missing.
– If you are selling, please consider making a donation to POP from your proceeds.

Tables will be set up in the main room. The amount of table space you’ll have will depend on the number of participants. Consider placing items in bins that people can look through. Clearly marking items with the price or pricing all of your items the same amount will make the sale go much more smoothly.